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radare demystified


radare demystified
33. Chaos Communication Congress

radare is a libre framework and a set of tools to ease several tasks related to reverse engineering, exploiting, forensics, binary patching, .. this year, the project gets 10 year old. In the process, the design evolved and several new functionalities has appeared, defining better development rules, improving code reviews and introducing RDD and fuzzing as part of the development process. Constant refactoring, writing usage examples and documentation and giving talks, to enlarge the community has been key elements to reach the great user base and health the project lives nowadays. This year, in order to celebrate the 10th anniversary, the author organized the first r2con, a congress around the tool that aims to be an excuse for sharing knowledge, tools, scripts about what different parties and people is doing with it. The congress was pretty successful and allowed to meet developers, users and other interested parties for learning more about the future of the tool and understanding its capabilities.

This talk will show the evolution and structure of the project, its roots, some of the most notorious capabilities, showing several usage examples to let the attendees the power in functionalities and extensibility the tool provides. The target for this talk is everyone, from beginners to experts, from curious to skeptics.

Speakers: pancake