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Yubikey hands on: how to create, store and use GPG subkeys stored on your Yubikey


Yubikey hands on: how to create, store and use GPG subkeys stored on your Yubikey

Like last year, Infomaniak is sponsoring 30 yubikeys for DDs, DMs and others. Nearly all have been already assigned, but if you are a DD, then you can still apply for one (by writing to zigo @ d.o, signed with your gpg key, using your Debian address), but please don't do it in Curitiba, it will be too late. Join me in a session where I'll teach how to use your Yubikey. You will learn: - How to generate subkeys and what they are for. - How to store the Auth, Sign and Encrypt subkeys in your yubikey. - How to ssh using a Yubikey (using the ssh key derived from your Auth subkey). - How to use KeepassXC as password store, with the password vault encrypted with the HMAC store on your Yubikey. This session will *not* cover using the Yubikey as 2FA device.

Speakers: Thomas Goirand