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PANDORÆ : Retrieving, curating and exploring enhanced corpi through time and space Mapping the state of research in a particular field has been made easier through commercial services providing API-based bibliometric-enhanced corpuses retrieval. Common assertions such as “the use of CRISPR technologies has skyrocketed in laboratories all around the world since 2012” can now be easily verified in both quantitative and qualitative perspectives using those platforms. Such services as Elsevier’s Scopus propose inbuilt functions to explore corpuses chronologically and geographically. They don’t, however, allow for hand curation and enrichment of the corpus. This lecture advocates for a solution to this methodological issue using PANDORÆ, a free and open source software designed for that purpose. PANDORÆ requests corpuses from the Scopus API, enriches its data by geolocating each document’s affiliations, and then uploads the resulting dataset to a Zotero library. The user is then free to curate the corpus, adding, editing or removing items. PANDORÆ allows downloading it back from Zotero to its internal databases, and to display the enriched corpuses on a map, on a timeline, or as an author-directed force-layout network graph.

This presentation will also introduce more advanced PANDORAE features, such as displaying Twitter dataset obtained through Gazouilloire, mapping web entities loaded from Hyphe and scraping biorXiv results using Artoo.

Speakers: Guillaume Levrier