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Let's talk about the Elephant in the Room


Let's talk about the Elephant in the Room

DebConf 2020 has been scheduled to take place in Israel. We need to have an open discussion about the political message that this project decision sends, and how it affects the people within our community who support the BDS (Boycott, Disinvestment, Sanctions) movement against the policies of the Israeli Government, all the while reiterating our support to the individual members of the local organizing team, who are our peers in Debian. A campaign has been brewing for a few weeks, calling on the DebConf Committee and the Debian Community to rescind the decision of holding the project's yearly conference in Israel. We hold this session to have an open, small scale conversation, hopefully with members from the DebConf 2020 team, members of the DebConf Committee, supporters of the boycott movement, and other stakeholders in the Debian community, to try to come up with ideas how to move forward.

Speakers: Nicolas Dandrimont