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On The Fast Track to Station


On The Fast Track to Station

In 2017 Nexmo (now Vonage) launched their first documentation portal as a Ruby on Rails site. Fast forward more than 3 years and the Vonage API Developer is now running on a custom-built open-source tool we call Station. Station powers multiple documentation portals, and allows us to achieve numerous organizational goals.

How did we arrive at Station and not get derailed in the process?

In this talk, we will take a deep dive into the technical journey behind Station. What does the tech stack look like? How did we solve some serious technical challenges converting a Ruby on Rails website into an executable tool, and what did we learn along the way?

We haven't reached the end of the line in the evolution of Station yet, and we will discuss what stops are next in the journey. In the dialectic between being feature-rich and being overly complex and complicated, Station presents a model forward. Let's explore that model together.

Speakers: Ben Greenberg