We made the Web accessible to human. What about making the web (of data) accessible to computers? Publish open data could be struggling. Deposit a CSV file on a web server is not enough. The data model used should be explicitly defined.
The Linked Open Data (https://www.w3.org/standards/semanticweb/data) solves this with: * standardized implementation format (RDF) * standardized data access (Content negociation, SPARQL endpoint) * standardized data indentification (URI, data model as data)
For example all the data from the Bibliothèque National de France (national library of France) are widely accessible by using these standards. This allowed the development of data federation initiatives, such as Europeana (https://www.europeana.eu).
CubicWeb is a semantic web application framework, licensed under the LGPL, that follows Linked Open Data best practices. During this presentation we will discuss about Linked Open Data benefits, and how CubicWeb could be used as a "on shelve" framework to do so.
Speakers: Fabien Amarger Xithrius