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Practical EMV PIN interception and fraud detection


Practical EMV PIN interception and fraud detection
31. Chaos Communication Congress

This talks follows our previous EMV research uncovering new findings as well as a detailed analysis of Chip & PIN fraud markers in order to benefit cardholders, as well as issuing banks, in preventing wrongful liability for fraudulent charges.

The EMV global standard for electronic payments is widely used for inter-operation between chip equipped credit/debit cards, Point of Sales devices and ATMs. In 2011, our "Chip & PIN is definitely broken" presentation uncovered an EMV design flaw that, by means of chip skimmers, allows for arbitrary PIN harvesting. Since then, by consulting on EMV implementations and their behaviour under effective attacks, Inverse Path has assisted issuing banks, as well as cardholders, with successful resolution of cases involving wrongful liability for fraudulent charges. Our updated research effort identifies and verifies new interactions between previous EMV attacks, which even further affect the protection, or lack of, that EMV provides for the PIN. This presentation aims to fully empower both cardholders and issuers with an understanding of all applicable attacks, while also illustrating the relevant EMV fraud detection markers. Such information is vital to enable cardholders to request the correct and relevant information necessary to claim fraudulent charges and to enable issuers and processors to prevent fraud in the first place.

Speakers: Andrea Barisani