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Distributed VoIP Platforms


Distributed VoIP Platforms

As any other production environments, in order to maximize availability, VoIP platforms have to be fault tolerant. This presentation focuses on solving the various VoIP distribution and replication issues by using the latest additions in the OpenSIPS SIP Proxy.

OpenSIPS (Open SIP Server) is a mature Open Source implementation of a SIP server. As a SIP proxy/router, is the core component of any SIP-based VoIP solution. With a very flexible and customizable routing engine, OpenSIPS unifies voice, video, IM and presence services in a highly efficient way, thanks to its scalable (modular) design.

When talking about a large number of customers / calls, using a distributed architecture is a natural way to go. First, you would want to cover the entire map in order to provide the best quality everywhere to the customers. Secondly, you would want to have multiple points of presence in order to be able to spread the load from the global pool of customers. Last but not least, redundancy is a mandatory requirement for any VoIP platform, both within the same Point of Presence, and also at a geographically distributed level.

The latest additions in OpenSIPS make it an excellent choice for the core server of a distributed and highly available VoIP platform. OpenSIPS has support for a large variety of NoSQL backends that can be used to share data between different OpenSIPS instances ( MongoDB, Cassandra, CouchBase ). Furthermore, several mechanisms are in place that allow for real-time call information replication between two or more OpenSIPS servers, allowing for hot backups to be deployed, which ensure instant call recovery in case of failures, with 0 down time.

Speakers: Vlad Paiu