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Diamond Open Education


Diamond Open Education
FOSSY 2023

Open Education sustainability requires significant, stable public funding. Education is a public good and the production, reuse and revisions of educational resources - and the software to host and share them - should be publicly funded and openly licensed to ensure educational opportunities for all. The Open Science movement is increasingly looking toward more equitable models for open access research; it is looking to move away from expensive subscription fees and article processing charges (APCs). One possible model is "Diamond Open Access," a model for ensuring inclusive and equitable access to both read and submit research articles to community-driven, academic-led and -owned open access journals. Cable will explore what “Diamond Open Education” might look like. What are the barriers to Diamond OE? What if funding currently spent on expensive commercial educational resources and software were redirected to support the creation and stewardship of quality OER and FOSS in every discipline, in every grade level in multiple languages? Join us.

Speakers: Dr. Cable Green