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Open Source in Higher Ed is Different


Open Source in Higher Ed is Different
FOSSY 2023

Open source projects that emerge from within institutions of higher education are notably different from those with corporate roots or even founded by individual developers or communities. Indeed, higher education's open source projects most align with the movement's original mantra of "scratching a personal itch" when compared to other projects developed to support commercial interests or ventures. This session will present the unique motivations, attributes, practices, and principles found in academically oriented and research-driven free and open source software projects and, thus, how development, community, governance, funding, and all the other requirements to grow and maintain a project successfully differ from many of today's most notable--non-educational--projects and communities. While this session will reference software projects specifically, attendees with experience with other open educational initiatives will recognize a common theme and, thus, find applicable takeaways applicable to their own work.

Speakers: Patrick Masson