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Nature adventures with FOSS


Nature adventures with FOSS
FOSSY 2023

Do you like being outdoors? Do you have a favorite animal or plant? Come learn how to use FOSS tools to track down and photograph your favorite creatures! This presentation will cover a set of FOSS tools I use to locate ocean creatures in the Oregon coast's tidepools. I'll share some of the photographs I've taken, and the FOSS tools used to create those photographs. Along the way, I'll talk about the limitations of these FOSS tools. I'll note when these tools start to touch proprietary software and proprietary assets. I'll also note the tools that modify the GPL v3 license, and the developer's reasoning behind those modifications. Tools covered: - iNaturalist - a citizen science tool for recording nature sightings and location data. iNaturalist is licensed under the permissive MIT license. iNaturalist allows people to upload photos under a variety of licenses, including both copyleft Creative Commons license and restrictive copyright licenses. - OpenStreetMap Android app (OSMAnd) - a great way to trek to the right location in remote areas with no cell signal. OSMAnd is licensed GPL v3. I will mention the proprietary Microsoft Earth OSM map overlay for viewing satellite imagery. - XTide 2 - a tide prediction tool. This tool uses a modified GPL v3 license with licensing restrictions to not use in ocean navigation, and disclaimers about extreme weather impacting tide predictions. - Darktable - a DNG photo editing tool that is licensed GPL v3. I will mention that some camera models may not be supported because you need extract the camera's color matrix using proprietary tools.

Speakers: Sage Sharp