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Lessons Learned From Scaling An Open Source Community By 10,000%


Lessons Learned From Scaling An Open Source Community By 10,000%
FOSSY 2023

Drupal—an open source CMS—turned 20 years old recently, and has grown from a small student hobby project to an enterprise-grade digital experience platform running ~3% of the Internet. This talk will explore the many lessons learned (most of them the hard way ;)) in navigating an international open source developer community through various scalability challenges. Topics covered will include: * Contributor On-Boarding: Some clever and participatory ways to help new folks bootstrap quickly and feel included * Community Health: How to account for—and encourage—contributors stepping away? How to develop new leadership to take their place? * Project Sustainability: How to incentivize commercial sponsorship of open source contributions without selling your soul * Governance: What pain points emerge as you scale, what strategies help solve them, and how to “right size” your solutions to not cripple your ability to get things done * When Sh*t Hits The Fan: How do you handle a project fork? What if you need to remove a high profile contributor? Been there, done that; let my trauma be your guide. ;) * Community Bootstrapping: What if you’re *not* a project with 100K+ contributors and 2M+ users? How do you build your first 100 / 1,000 / 100K?

Speakers: Angie Byron