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The Hidden Challenges of Inclusive Collaboration


The Hidden Challenges of Inclusive Collaboration
FOSSY 2023

This talk is an emphasis on the importance of open and inclusive collaboration, and a call to action to ensure balance, diversity and sustainability of the global open source ecosystem. Open source is currently living through its own hype cycle with new projects and foundations popping up on a daily basis. This phenomenon is great, as it shows the popularity and adoption of the concept. And this phenomenon is harmful, as it creates a fast paced environment that leaves people, who try to participate, with a false idea of what open source is or a bad experience. This session will explore the struggles of the current, rapidly growing open source ecosystem, with a focus on diversity and inclusion, and invites everyone in the audience to participate in providing solutions to them. Do you have an experience where you didn’t feel invited to participate? At the same time, there are also examples to follow. Do you have one to share? The audience will learn about a new initiative called Community Blueprint, which highlights issues, suggests solutions and introduces good practices through individuals sharing their open source experience. Bring your story to share!

Speakers: Ildikó Váncsa