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Securing and Hardening a container host


Securing and Hardening a container host

In the age where customer data is turning out to be a new valuable resource for companies, and the increasing data breaches safeguarding the infrastructure is becoming more and more important. We the maintainers of Flatcar Container Linux, an operating system that thrives for security first will present the best practices to harden and secure your container hosts from the delivery to the different environments to ensure reliability, security and performance.

Even the most secured Kubernetes cluster can have security issues in case the underlying OS is not correctly hardened. In this talk, we will present the best practices to harden and secure your container hosts from the delivery to the different environments to ensure reliability, security and performance. Through an actual live example, we will introduce how Flatcar Container Linux is first built around security, and uses the hardening practices. From SELinux configuration to audit logs passing by its package management - let's see how this container optimized OS distro can contribute to reduce the surface attack and mitigating threats.

Speakers: Sayan Chowdhury