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Web Application Localization Without Tears


Web Application Localization Without Tears

“The more languages your software knows, the more of a satisfied users you have". However, current software localization in modern JS frameworks and other software is complicated and fairly time-consuming for all involved participants. Thanks to the in-context localization feature of open-source project Tolgee, this tool offers easier localization process, more relevant translations delivery and finally less work for developers.

The workshop will contain live demo where I would like to describe using Tolgee JavaScript software development kits on simple React.js web application example. However, Tolgee is currently compatible with other frameworks such as Angular, Svelte, Vue.js or Next.js.

Participants will learn easy localization workflow using by Tolgee tool, simple localization texts management, how to integrate Tolgee into web app in less than one minute, how to take advantage of different Tolgee features as e.g. automatic generation of screenshots or in-context localization.

Speakers: Jan Cizmar