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2-cluster Kubernetes, with Calico, BGP Interconnect and WireGuard... All Without Leaving Your Laptop!


2-cluster Kubernetes, with Calico, BGP Interconnect and WireGuard... All Without Leaving Your Laptop!

Wouldn’t it be great to be able to dabble with Kubernetes, Calico, BGP, and WireGuard in a totally safe, totally zero-cost, and easily (!!) reproducible local laptop or workstation environment?

If you agree, I’m here for you. In this engaging, hands-on and fun session I’ll share with you how I built two four-node Kubernetes clusters, peering with BGP, forwarding with WireGuard, all inside my laptop, and how you can do the same, for fun, learning, and profit. Or, well, just fun and learning, actually.

When working with these technologies (especially BGP), cost, risk and complexity are the usual barriers to learning. Let's remove them and get back to enjoying our learning.

Speakers: Christopher Tomkins