LittleSis is a free software, wiki-style database that tracks
connections between the world's most powerful people and
organizations. In the workshop, participants will be trained in the
site's basic functions (e.g. editing profile pages and searching for
interlocks between corporations) and advanced functions (e.g using the
site's Oligrapher tool to create maps of information stored in the
database). We will also share stories about the ways in which
LittleSis and power analysis research have been used in movement and
organizing contexts, including how activists in St. Louis used
LittleSis to map and challenge the local corporate Powers Behind the
Police and how activists in Philadelphia are using LittleSis to
research the corporate entities behind education
privatization. Participants will leave with an understanding of how to
use LittleSis, as well as inspiration for how they can start their own
movement research teams to map the powers that be in their