conferences | speakers | series

Kate Stewart

πŸ‘₯ 5 conferences
🎀 11 talks
πŸ“… Years active: 2016 to 2023


Kate is a Senior Director of Strategic Programs at the Linux Foundation responsible a portfolio of open source projects and standards. ​​With almost 30 years of experience in the software industry, she has held a variety of roles and worked as a developer in Canada, Australia and the US. For the last 20 years she has managed software development teams and focused on delivery of products based on open source.

— biography from FOSDEM 2017


5 known conferences

πŸ‘₯ FOSDEM 2023 πŸ“… 04 Feb 2023

  πŸŽ€ SBOM devroom closing
   05 Feb 2023 show details
  πŸŽ€ General Q&A on SBOMs
   05 Feb 2023 show details
  πŸŽ€ Welcome to the SBOM devroom!
   05 Feb 2023 show details
  πŸŽ€ What the energy industry can learn from how open source technology has transformed other traditional industries
   04 Feb 2023 show details

πŸ‘₯ FOSDEM 2022 πŸ“… 05 Feb 2022

  πŸŽ€ Tracking Software Dependencies
   06 Feb 2022 show details
  πŸŽ€ Devroom introduction
   06 Feb 2022 show details

πŸ‘₯ FOSDEM 2021 πŸ“… 06 Feb 2021

  πŸŽ€ Devroom Software Composition: Concluding Remarks
   07 Feb 2021 show details
  πŸŽ€ Overview Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)
   07 Feb 2021 show details
  πŸŽ€ Software Composition Analysis Devroom Welcome
   07 Feb 2021 show details

πŸ‘₯ FOSDEM 2017 πŸ“… 04 Feb 2017

  πŸŽ€ Making License Compliance Easy: Step by Open Source Step.
   04 Feb 2017 show details

πŸ‘₯ DebConf16 πŸ“… 02 Jul 2016

  πŸŽ€ Validating DEP5 with FOSSology
   05 Jul 2016 show details