Please note that this talk has been cancelled. The speaker is no longer able to attend FOSDEM.
The objective of the talk is to highlight the various aspects and importance of two of the pillars of Observability: Metrics & Logs in Ceph Storage cluster. We will talk about the current architecture of metrics collection and logging, technology stack used and how you can easily deploy them in Ceph.
This talk will also highlight the various aspects and importance of Centralized Logging, which can be very useful to view and manage the logs in a Dashboard view.
We will also have a demo at the end where we'll show deployment of monitoring and logging services from Ceph dashboard
Monitoring demo:
Diagram showing metrics collection architecture
Deployment of monitoring stack (ceph-exporter, Prometheus, Grafana)
Prometheus targets and query page
Grafana dashboards embedded in Ceph dashboard
Centralized logging:
Diagram showing centralized logging architecture
Deployment of log collector an aggregation services (Promtail & Loki)
Pattern based filtering in Loki
Agenda: Introduction to Monitoring and Centralized logging Dashboard in Ceph storage cluster and Demo
Target audience: Ceph, Monitoring, Admins / DevOps / SREs.