conferences | speakers | series

Giovanni Maruzzelli (gmaruzz)

πŸ‘₯ 2 conferences
🎀 2 talks
πŸ“… Years active: 2017 to 2021


Giovanni is a consultant for the Telecom industry, designing Highly Available and Scalable SIP and WebRTC platforms, using Open Source building blocks, like FreeSWITCH, WebRTC, OpenSIPS and Kamailio

Heavily engaged with FreeSWITCH (wrote a couple endpoint, and co-authored with Anthony Minessale the 3 most current FreeSWITCH books), Giovanni is a consultant for the Telco industry, designing solutions and training courses for FreeSWITCH, SIP, WebRTC, OpenSIPS and Kamailio. An Internet tech pioneer, in 1996 Giovanni was cofounder of Italia Online, the most popular Italian portal and consumer ISP, and architect of its Internet technologies. After the New Economy galore he was two years in Serbia as Internet and Telecommunication Investment Expert for World Bank – IFC. Since 2005 he’s based in Italy, and serves ICT and Telco companies worldwide

— biography from FOSDEM 2021


2 known conferences

πŸ‘₯ FOSDEM 2021 πŸ“… 06 Feb 2021

  πŸŽ€ FreeSWITCH mid-registering for Fun, Profit, Scale and Push
   06 Feb 2021 show details

πŸ‘₯ FOSDEM 2017 πŸ“… 04 Feb 2017

  πŸŽ€ FreeSWITCH, SIP and WebRTC Load Balancing and High Availability
   04 Feb 2017 show details