PostgreSQL follows the SQL Standard. What's that mean? Why do we care?
Covers the history of the SQL Standard, the complex and interesting bits and how it is implemented in PostgreSQL, plus current in-progress patches and details for PG14.
Discuss the initial work to integrate PostgreSQL with LibreOffice, and the new installer, recent changes and future plans.
Discuss the initial work to integrate PostgreSQL with LibreOffice, and the new installer 2UDA aimed at data analysts. Also discussion of recent changes and future plans.
PostgreSQL database has various features aimed at the Internet of Things Use Case. Talk will discuss these features and other features on the PostgreSQL dev roadmap.
Start by looking at the characteristics of the Internet of Things Use Case, and showing how each of these things is helped by various features in PostgreSQL.Discusses features developed as a result of specific EU funding to support this area of work. Question & Answer session about future requirements and in-progress R&D.