We attempt to compute a description of the possible effects a
maintainer script may have on the file system. Our final objective is
to use this information for the quality assessment of Debian
maintainer scripts.
The technique of symbolic execution consists in following all the
possible execution paths of a script, while recording in a symbolic
form the interaction with the file system. The symbolic form
(technically a formula in some logical formalism) describes the
modification of the file system performed by the script on any initial
file hierarchy. For the moment we have used these symbolic
descriptions to extract cases in which a script may fail. Plans for
future work include analyzing the symbolic descriptions in order to
decide properties like idempotency of scripts, or relations between
scripts like that their order of execution is independent, or that one
script undoes the effect of an other script.
Our analysis applies to an abstraction of *nix file systems, and also
abstracts away from some aspects of scripts, in particular from tools
that operate on the contents of files. Despite these limitations we
have already some first interesting results. It is important to remember,
however, that a possible error case detected by our tool is not
automatically a bug, not only because of possible false positives of
our tool, but also because it may be the right decision of a maintainer
to make their script fail in case it encounters a situation it cannot
cope with. We hope to have some discussion with the audience about
how one can decide whether a failure is a bug or not.
This work is part of the ongoing CoLiS project which aims at applying
formal methods to the quality assessment of Debian maintainer scripts.
Previous results on the syntactic analysis of maintainer scripts
had been presented at Debconf18.
This is joint work with Benedikt Becker, Claude MarchΓ©, Mihaela
Sighireanu and Yann Regis-Gianas from our research teams in Saclay and