'''[[:en:Wikisource|Wikisource]]''' is the free library of public domain and freely licenced texts and in many contexts, it is often the only project that helps communities that use non-latin scripts in building locally relevant knowledge on the web. Even developed communities find great value in Wikisource because it provides annotated texts which contains interwiki links to various topics on different projects.
This session aims to be a conversation with Wikisource organizers from various communities (such as the Indic, Armenian and minority languages in Italy and France). The communities will be sharing how they are organizing their communities to support the use and contribution to Wikisource in their different contexts: from digitizing old works for Wikisource and organizing proofreading contests to encouraging Wikisource contribution in order to advance mother language learning.
We will be discussing what the major obstacles and opportunities for supporting new communities to contributing to the projects? What kinds of support would help them organize more contributors to the Wikisource community? What are their biggest achievements so far? How should we encourage other communities to digitize their knowledge through Wikisource?