The CentOS CI is a public resource that open source based projects can
use for integration tests on bare metal hardware. The goal of the
project is to be a resource for communities that build on top of CentOS
in order to enable them to perform better automated testing. Down the
line this infrastructure will be developed into a full pipeline for building
and testing containers. This talk will give an overview of the CentOS CI
as well as a quick start to getting started with the project.
The CentOS CI is a public resource that open source based projects can
use for integration tests on bare metal hardware. The goal of the
project is to be a resource for communities that build on top of CentOS
in order to enable them to perform better automated testing. Down the
line this infrastructure will be developed into a full pipeline for building
and testing containers. How do I get access and how do I get started?
There is a formal process for requesting access to the CI, but after
you have access there is a need to understand the infrastructure a
bit. The infrastructure currently is built using a bare metal provisioning
mechanism, known as Duffy, that provisions machines based on REST api
calls. It then uses Jenkins to kick off tests on the provisioned
hardware, typically by pulling test repos from git and executing them.
Test results can then be viewed at the dashboard.
This talk will give an overview of the CI project and the related
infrastructure as well as give a quick guide to getting started and
writing your firsts tests on the platform.