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Adventures with CloudStack and OpenDaylight


Adventures with CloudStack and OpenDaylight

I've been involved with CloudStack as a project management committee member and I have been focusing mainly on the software defined networking implementations. When the OpenDaylight project started to become more popular integration between OpenDaylight and CloudStack was soon something on my wish list. This talk is about my journey to get support of OpenDaylight into the CloudStack project. This talk is partially about the technical implementation is getting the code bases to work together, but also on how ideas on implementation needs to be aligned between project for any interoperation to become a success.

The intended audience for this talk is developers who are interested in software defined networking or who are interested in hearing about some of the cross project hurdles one might have to cross when doing an integration.

This talk will be discussion on the lessons learned from driving an integration between two Open Source projects, OpenDaylight and CloudStack. The topics touched are the technical integration details on how both project think about networking and how this is aligned to allow for interoperation. The following topics will be covered in the talk:

  • Networking model in CloudStack
  • Networking models in OpenDaylight
  • Integration issues, where are the brains at
  • Integration issues, a CloudStack fanboy in an OpenStack crowd
  • Integration issues, release pressure versus doing-things-right
  • Current status of the integrations work
  • The way forward

Technical depth of the talk will be all the way down to the OVSDB integration and implementation details of OpenDaylights modules structure. Mixed with a piece of my mind on how the communities reacted to this integration process.

Speakers: Hugo Trippaers