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Reproducing Bullseye in practice


Reproducing Bullseye in practice

The goal of this talk is to give a an update on the state of Reproducible Builds for the upcoming Debian "bullseye" release, focussing on the promise of enabling anyone to independently verifying that binaries distributed on were made using the sources. It’s been 7 years since Reproducible Builds were first introduced to the Debian community at large at DebConf13 in Vaumarcus and much progress has been achieved since, yet without some dedicated actions from several teams in Debian it will very hard to verify those binaries we actually distribute. So the idea is to present the curent status of the project together with a hopefully complete list of bugs preventing the above promise from being reality and sparking some work together to fix at least some of the bugs during DebConf 20 online. Slides:

Speakers: Holger Levsen