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Tips & Tricks for logo creation


Tips & Tricks for logo creation

Coming up with logos can be an exhausting process sometimes. In this session we will watch a short screencast of mine which I will comment on, including some use cases of logo designs from Mozilla and other open source projects.

Coming up with logos can be an exhausting process sometimes.

Should you get paper and pencil ready or dive directly into Illustrator? Before going neck deep into your logo project, check out following thumb rules to keep in mind when working on your logo. You will be learning about basic color theory, cliches and metaphors specifically guiding you in your logo endeavours. Some of these tips can be generally applied to most logo projects, while some others might suit the needs of different logos.

In this session we will watch a short screencast of mine which I will comment on, including some use cases of logo designs from Mozilla and other open source projects.

Speakers: Elio Qoshi