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Ruby Team BOF


Ruby Team BOF

The Ruby team maintains over 1500 packages in Debian. I have been active in the Ruby team for a while now. And I believe that we, the Ruby team, as a whole, can improve on a lot of things, like, sponsoring new contributor's packages, taking sessions, etcetera. During the BOF session, I'd be discussing a few topics like them, which would encourage more new contributors to join the team and help us in the maintenance of all the gems and applications. Moreover, something that worries me is the "retainment rate" of the new contributors. If this continues, then after few years down the line, the Ruby team would be in a little trouble. There are a lot of packages under the team and so is the need for more contributors. And it'd be lovely to have more DMs and DDs emerging out in this process :)

Speakers: Utkarsh Gupta Lucas Kanashiro Antonio Terceiro