conferences | speakers | series




A brief introduction to the room and to the sessions.

This year's TEE devroom will be a full-day virtual event with an impressive lineup! The day will be roughly divided into session blocks grouping related talks as follows:

10h00-12h35: Enclave shielding runtimes and programming paradigms

featuring Enarx, VeraCruz, OpenEnclave, Graphene-SGX, Rust-EDP, and Sancus

12h35-13h30: Lunch break & buffer 😋

13h30-14h45: Attacks and reverse engineering

featuring VoltPillager, SEV-ES, and ARM Secure Boot

14h45-15h00: Coffee break & buffer ☕️

15h00-16h40: Emerging RISC-V TEEs

featuring Penglai, Keystone, TEEP, and Trusted RV

16h40-16h50: Coffee break & buffer ☕️

16h50-18h00: Alternative trusted-hardware extensions

featuring CHERI, Cubicle OS, and HLS

Speakers: Jo Van Bulck