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Teaching Programming to Your Loved Ones - Hands-On!


Teaching Programming to Your Loved Ones - Hands-On!

Do you want to teach programming to others? At school? To friends? Family? Co-workers? This is (hopefully) the workshop for you! Teaching programming is hard, and often fails, resulting in frustration. One of the reasons is that teaching programming has mostly focussed on an example-based approach, essentially by trial and error. Unfortunately, this approach mostly only works for privileged students with plenty of time to spare, and who are happy to take risks. Moreover, even when it does work, it often produces buggy and unreliable code. In this workshop, we'll focus on a *systematic* approach to teaching, which has produced good results in many settings, particularly, as part of the [DeinProgramm](, [Program by Design](, and [Bootstrap]( educational projects. While there's lots of material, we'll also have of time to chat and discuss alternative approaches.

**Update**: The workshop will take place in this BigBlueButton room: **Important notice**: This workshop will also be live streamed on the channel and will also be recorded. Please only join the workshop if you agree that your voice and/or your video (depending on your settings) will be streamed, recorded and published. This is a follow-up workshop for a talk from 35c3:

Speakers: Michael Sperber