conferences | speakers | series

Gratien D'haese

πŸ‘₯ 4 conferences
🎀 7 talks
πŸ“… Years active: 2014 to 2020


Gratien D'haese is a Belgian independent IT Consultant who is already 25 years active in the Unix world (and with Linux since its invention in 1991). Gratien has a broad experience with UNIX in general, UNIX security, UNIX networking, big system administration tasks, clustering, troubleshooting and IT consultancy.

Gratien is quite active in the Unix/Linux Open Source world with giving talks around various topics since the days of the Belgian UNIX Users Group and other organizations promoting Unix/Linux and the Open Source movement. On occasions he talks about his projects on conferences, such as at Fosdem 2011 with a talk around rear. Gratien is the co-founder and main designer of Relax and Recover (rear) together with Schlomo Schapiro (from Germany). This project started in 2006 and the software is part of Fedora and EPEL - [ ] Gratien is also the project leader of the Open Source project "Make CD-ROM Recovery (mkcdrec)" which is the forerunner of rear (started in 2000) - [ ] He is also involved in the Fedora community as an ambassador [ ]

— biography from FOSDEM 2014


4 known conferences

πŸ‘₯ FOSDEM 2020 πŸ“… 01 Feb 2020

  πŸŽ€ Open Source Support Program by OTA
   02 Feb 2020 show details
  πŸŽ€ Relax-and-Recover (ReaR) Mass Deployment
   01 Feb 2020 show details
  πŸŽ€ Relax-and-Recover (ReaR) Basics
   01 Feb 2020 show details

πŸ‘₯ FOSDEM 2017 πŸ“… 04 Feb 2017

  πŸŽ€ Future ideas for ReaR, DRLM, and Bareos
   04 Feb 2017 show details
  πŸŽ€ Relax-and-Recover Automated Testing
   04 Feb 2017 show details

πŸ‘₯ FOSDEM 2015 πŸ“… 31 Jan 2015

  πŸŽ€ Upgrade-UX
   01 Feb 2015 show details

πŸ‘₯ FOSDEM 2014 πŸ“… 01 Feb 2014

  πŸŽ€ Linux Configuration Collector
   02 Feb 2014 show details