Managing and making available spatial resources is challenging for smaller organisations with limited resources, such as Iwi. Iwi-Cat provides an intuitive way to accomplish this. Workshop participants will gain hands-on experience implementing an opensource stack - consisting GeoNetwork, GeoServer, PostGIS and supported by QGIS with the GeoCat Bridge Plugin.
This workshop will demonstrate implementing and using an open-source stack composed of GeoNetwork supported by GeoServer and PostGIS. We will share how Iwi-Cat allows less experienced users to manage and access the geospatial resources they need to better their work. In this workshop, we will learn how to use GeoNetwork to create and manage ISO19115-3 metadata according to the latest guidance from ANZLIC/ICSM. We will also demonstrate using QGIS to populate the catalogue and GeoServer data services using the GeoCAT Bridge plugin, backed by PostGIS, to publish not only metadata, but the data itself easily.
**Book your ticket here:**
*A total of 25 spaces are available.*