In 2011 the London Java Community (LJC) stood for, and overwhelmingly
won a seat in the open elections for a seat on the JCP Executive
Committee (JCP EC), enough acronyms yet? We haven't even started!
It's been a whirlwind trip so far with a great deal learned about
politics, acronyms, the due diligence required on a JSR, flights to
exotic places (Jersey City!?), wrangling over the wording of a
sentence and of course launching some developer lead initiatives.
There have of course been some great successes in moving Free Java
forward such as the JSR-348 which is the start of reforming the JCP
and JSRs towards a truly open and transparent model. This talk covers
the good works done so far, some anecdotes of what it's like to work
as a developer amongst a mix of technologists and bearucrats and what
we think is left to be done.
What the audience will learn from the talk:
An insight to how the JCP really works and the surprising fact that
Oracle and the other large corporates are generally pushing for a Free
How can people help out with the project, what feedback are you looking for?
We want people to start supporting the JCP again and working with it
to change it for the better, JSR-348 has proven that steps can be
taken although we recognize there is still a long way to go.