conferences | speakers | series

Datenspuren 2018


start: 2018-09-22
end: 2018-09-23


27 talks

🎤 Eröffnung
Speakers: 👤 Nerd Norbert
📅 Sat, 22 Sep 2018 at 10:30 show details

🎤 Keynote
Speakers: 👤 >Y<
📅 Sat, 22 Sep 2018 at 10:45 show details

🎤 Little Brother
Speakers: 👤 Reinhard Mutz
📅 Sat, 22 Sep 2018 at 11:45 show details

🎤 Kontrollinstanzen Nachrichtendienste
Speakers: 👤 Sarah Körfer
📅 Sat, 22 Sep 2018 at 12:45 show details

🎤 Wie surfe ich sicher im Internet?
Speakers: 👤 nek0
📅 Sat, 22 Sep 2018 at 12:45 show details

Speakers: 👤 visionmakery 👤 Ulf Gebhardt
📅 Sat, 22 Sep 2018 at 13:45 show details

🎤 Arduino: 8 Beine für ein kleines Halleluja
Speakers: 👤 honky
📅 Sat, 22 Sep 2018 at 13:45 show details

🎤 Hebocon
Speakers: 👤 honky
📅 Sat, 22 Sep 2018 at 14:30 show details

🎤 Program verification with SPARK
Speakers: 👤 Johannes Kliemann
📅 Sat, 22 Sep 2018 at 15:00 show details

🎤 CCC Regiotreffen
Speakers: 👤 sva
📅 Sat, 22 Sep 2018 at 15:00 show details

🎤 Hausvernetzung
Speakers: 👤 Astro
📅 Sat, 22 Sep 2018 at 15:45 show details

🎤 Freeing the Binary Format of the reMarkable e-ink Tablet
Speakers: 👤 ax3l
📅 Sat, 22 Sep 2018 at 17:00 show details

🎤 Der Weg zur eigenen GnuPG Smartcard
Speakers: 👤 Volker & Martin
📅 Sat, 22 Sep 2018 at 17:15 show details

🎤 Lightningtalks
Speakers: 👤 bigalex 👤 hcx23
📅 Sat, 22 Sep 2018 at 17:45 show details

🎤 live coding music
Speakers: 👤 hejn
📅 Sat, 22 Sep 2018 at 18:00 show details

🎤 Pentanews Gameshow
Speakers: 👤 klobs
📅 Sat, 22 Sep 2018 at 19:30 show details

🎤 Intertech
Speakers: 👤 hejn
📅 Sat, 22 Sep 2018 at 20:15 show details

🎤 State of the GNUnet
Speakers: 👤 t3sserakt
📅 Sun, 23 Sep 2018 at 10:30 show details

🎤 Wie man in 69 Jahren einen Überwachungsstaat aufbaut
Speakers: 👤 Lennart Mühlenmeier
📅 Sun, 23 Sep 2018 at 11:15 show details

🎤 Netzphilosophische Matinée
Speakers: 👤 ajuvo 👤 Manja Unger-B. 👤 Paul
📅 Sun, 23 Sep 2018 at 12:00 show details

🎤 Crimp Workshop
Speakers: 👤 Mole
📅 Sun, 23 Sep 2018 at 12:30 show details

🎤 GNUnet Workshop
Speakers: 👤 t3sserakt
📅 Sun, 23 Sep 2018 at 13:15 show details

🎤 Level Up your Monitoring
Speakers: 👤 André Niemann
📅 Sun, 23 Sep 2018 at 13:15 show details

🎤 Augmented Reality in der Gesellschaft: Möglicher Nutzen und Gefahren
Speakers: 👤 preip
📅 Sun, 23 Sep 2018 at 14:15 show details

🎤 Spieleentwicklung in Haskell
Speakers: 👤 nek0
📅 Sun, 23 Sep 2018 at 15:15 show details

🎤 NAT Gateways for the Masses
Speakers: 👤 Simon Hanisch 👤 Felix
📅 Sun, 23 Sep 2018 at 16:15 show details

🎤 Hebocon Finale
Speakers: 👤 honky
📅 Sun, 23 Sep 2018 at 17:30 show details